There is something about piecing a collection together when sometimes all the components don’t make sense or immediately align. And then you start thinking about what they do say and how you want the wearer to approach it and engage it.
I started seeing the Summer 25 collection as a point where the place and moment for each piece became directed towards a person’s life experience—every day and unique.
With this, the components around the dressing started taking shape. The flow from making waves in the Resort extends here. Playing with a mouth-watering pallet of melon, sunshine, canary, and nude apricot pastel, it’s all sublimely fresh and warming.
Underscored by the severity of black, metallic silver threads, wafer light fringing, luminous dense organza, and stars sparkles in the jet-black beading is the understanding that there are moments here for an entire life. Building on how one buys into clothes, to enhance something old, treasured, forgotten and rejuvenate it and oneself.
As obtuse to pair some of these fabrics and colour combinations may seem, there is an absolute joy in not being confined to a safe place in one’s presentation. So, you mix shades and over-emphasize silhouette because fashion is about enjoying being silly and liberated.
There are moments when restraint comes into play, and ‘chic’ wins. The most straightforward cut can define a period and an event. The ease of a simple pants and shirt, neat and polished, can forever remind others of your confidence in the freedom of knowing when you don’t need more.
Creative Direction / Toni Maticevski
Photography / Tim Ashton
Styling / Jolyon Mason
Beauty / Sean Brady
Hair / Kyye Reed
Talent / Darcy Jackson / Lily Vander Medden
Digital Operator / Bridget Macwhirter
Photographic Assistant / Brett Clarke
Styling Assistant / Madeline Assi
Layout / Michael Semeniuk